I'd added this site to my "external links" section, but it really just needs it's own post because you've got to check it out.
It's called "The Hyde Tube", and it's a collection of a hundred or so short films, which are mostly animated, and about 1 minute long each.
I wish I could just post some of my favorites here, but there isn't an option to post them individually. :(
They're thought provoking, simple, silly, dark, funny - each one is completely unique and just plain awesome. I know I sound like a commercial at this point, but... just go see for your self... you won't be disappointed.

thank you for sharing :-)
i didnt know the hydetube
Some of those videos are superb :-P
this IS too cool...thanks Bianca!
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! :)
happy birthday Bianca.
hope you had a beautiful day
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