Fun With Geometry
I was sitting here playing around with a ruler, making geometric sketches of cubes. By using the center points, you can create all sorts interesting shapes which float at the center of the cube. I thought to make as many geometric shapes as possible using the confines of a 3d cube. After making a series of these, which were simple shapes to create, like a sphere which sits inside the cube touching the center of each of it's 6 sides. (one that sort of came back to me, as I remember making it back in art school. A Major in Interior Design requires alot of drafting, and technique, like learning the correct ways to use t-squares with angled rulers, etc. which isn't hard to do at all, but after hours of using these tools you go into a sort of mantra, where as these geometric tools almost take a second nature, becoming as important as the paper you are drawing on, or pencil you are using.
One of the shapes which I didn't complete, though I saw the possibility in it's creation if I'd had the patience to sit and figure out; a sort of spherical hypercube, which I thought might be more easily done if I'd gone to google it and recreate it by observation - but that wouldn't have been part of the little game I was making up. I wanted to realize the process myself. But right now, I'll go ahead and dig it up. The hypercube might have looked something like this (though not as elaborate, I'd think that once you understood it's basic mapping, and which points and lines to make, you'd repeat the points from the center of the cube, on outward. Or, possibly from the two outer most squares, which make an octagon.)

The Pyramids And Obelisk
I took a break from sketching for a second while still having the simple 3d cube in my mind. I thought about a flat 2d square, if when crossed at its diagonal sides finds it's center. With that center point in mind, if you were to take to point and pull it straight up and out into 3d, you'd have a pyramid. Then I thought that if you then pull the base of the pyramid out making a long rectangle, you get an obelisk. This brought to mind, which is quite obvious now that I'm writing it - that the obelisk is made of the same geometry as the pyramid. I guess this is really obvious.
But then I realized something. How were the pyramids built? I know it's just one of those questions, and it's stupid to even begin trying to understand. But really, wouldn't you need the center point of that base square as a starting reference? It would be absolutely necessary in order to create a perfect pyramid to have that center point. The center point should feature a pointed top, and four sides of a perfect square. You'd lay the obelisk into the ground deep enough for it to stand, (or on a platform, or which ever way is best) and then start at that center working around the base of the obelisk and building upward, basically starting out with a small pyramid (which would have a giant obelisk sticking out of it's top) and as you build it up the pyramid would grow larger and larger until you have the finished design touching the edge of the four sided edge and then coming to the point.
Now... I've heard many times that the Egyptian obelisk was a phallic symbol of the god Osiris. His body was cut into 13 different pieces and thrown into the Nile, (or scattered across the desert, I don't remember) and the Goddess Isis salvaged all of the parts of him, except the 13th which happened to be his severed phallus. So the obelisk according to what I've learned so far is an ode to the Male God Osiris, while there is also a female monument which should be familiar to us US citizens, but I forget right now which that is.
If we think of the obelisk as a tool in which a pyramid can be built with, it asks the question of what we in this modern era are intending to say with it as part of so many of our monumental structures. Is it an ode to Osiris, (and the maybe dominance of the male gender in general), or are we actually saying - (applying the obelisk as a tool) that our forefathers are Masons now, and were the same Masons to have built the ancient pyramids? Or maybe both? Who knows. I know I'm tired of writing, though so ...
I've been waiting to get to the end of this blog to finally run a google search to see weather this has ever been postulated. (The real mystery lies more in the fact that the stones weigh too much to have been moved by culture of this ancient timeline and aren't supposed to have been capable of something like this, according to the agreement of our modern historians.) Just after the time I thought of this, I also thought to myself, "It's actually really obvious, and has probably been said a million times over." And so I'm going to go google it right now and see. More than likely I'm not the first to realize this.
Okay "draft auto saved by blogger"reads 18 minutes ago, so I searched about that long. I'm not lyin'.... I didn't turn anything up that remotely related the use of the obelisk as being part of the construction of the pyramids. I looked on several pages, and ran several searches... I expected find at least... one. Not finding one makes me think it might not be that great of an idea after all. Maybe there are many reasons why this could never work (though I can't think of any reasons why not.) If anything all the sites agree - the obelisk certainly is a monument that holds great significance to our history, but seems to honor the monument in such a fashion that implies it is a monument of importance unto it's self, with far too much significance to have ever been a mere tool used to build pyramids with.
But, what isn't important about a tool, especially one of this nature? The things we use to construct any physical objects could be thought of as Divine. Applying this realm of thought to the obelisk, it could represent a "core", or "core building block" with which both the pyramid and obelisk are used as a symbolic representation of humanity itself.
Often pyramidal structures are used to describe the hierarchy of classes and echelons, which decrease in populous, becoming more important as you reach the very top capstone; we could look at the capstone now thinking of what it may actually be... something that has been there from the very beginning, and was an essential, singular piece of stone - spanning the structures length from ground up, first to be erected, and of great importance in order to build the entire structure.... Booyaka!
If anyone reading thinks this might be of any relevance, and wants to run some googles looking for any claims of the same nature - be my guest.
Hello, Bianga. Your blog on hypercubes reminded me of viruses (important in Biology):
Of fullerenes (important in Nanotechnology):
Hello Mr. Man. :)
Wow.. thats interesting. I'll visit those links in a second here.
It's strange the way things can occur to people without them fully realizing their true weight.
I heard Graham Hancock say in an interview that the man who discovered the molecular structure of the DNA strand (blanking on his name right now, but it's on the tip of my tounge) saw the strand during an LSD trip.
It's almost as though information is really something that we recieve, as if it were able to be plucked out of the air. The same can be applied to dreams, and metaphysical healing techniques used by tribal Shamans.
The conversation wasn't meant to glorrify drug use, but that information, streaming through the cosmos can be seen while tuned into alternative states of conciousness, and that this paradigm isn't often recognized as relevant to many people.
But.. I wasn't necessarily in an alternative state of conciousness yesterday but feeling more... daydreamy. Drawing cross sections through squares got me into a head-space, where I started to play around with shapes in my mind. I'm just visual, I guess. As in, I can hold and continually build on an image in mind. :)
PS. Not that I'm saying I'm some highly intelligent person, and not in any way comparing myself to the man who realized the structure of DNA. (haha) I hardly have the vocabulary enough to describe what I'm talking about when it comes to the complexity of geometry (sacred and/or otherwise) I did learn geometry and used it quite often while in school studying interior design, though our focus was purley architectual. The mathematics of shapes and such, let alone the metaphysical symbology attached to them, were beyond our studies because of not having to apply things like that to floor plans. :)
The Fullerene does look like a hypercube. In fact, is probably is a hypercube, some of the photos there looked almost exactly the same.
The first link you gave me, ( yeah the green snotball looking virus does kind of look like that shape, although not as much as the fullerene. (Hope I didn't dream up a virus.)
pretty cool stuff :)
PS. the second link is broken.
there was some additional information i was reading a while back doing some "conspiracy" research
"It is hypothesized by New York University Egyptologist Patricia Blackwell Gary and Astronomy senior editor Richard Talcott that the shapes of the ancient Egyptian pyramid and obelisk were derived from natural phenomena associated with the sun (the sun-god Ra being the Egyptians' greatest deity).[5] The pyramid and obelisk would have been inspired by previously overlooked astronomical phenomena connected with sunrise and sunset: the zodiacal light and sun pillars respectively."
like the idea. it's fresh.
Oh thanks Brooks. Good to see you stopped by. No one ever leaves comments around here. (except a few here and there like "man" up above there.
They'll leave 75 comments under a photo of me with cleavage, but pages like this.... not so much.
Yeah I did see the Wiki for the obelisk last night when I was looking for any theories like mine. I love wikipedia. So awesome.
Did they end up describing what that natural phenomena was exactly? I'll go check it out in a sec here.
You are right, the second link was missing the tail: Just add at the end
You had not heard of Fullerenes? Ok, I guess it is pretty much for Material Science ... Buckminsterfullerene is, I just learned, the smallest one. I think Buckminster was an architect, Yes:
I understand what you say about daydreaming and geometry. I'll have more on the men who discovered the structure of DNA (Watson and Crick) later. More also later on consciousness.
i just read what you wrote and i wasnt so fast because of my english..:-P but you keep my attention when you talk about the Pyramids, the most fascinating wonder of the ancient world...much more than just tombs, the pyramids were nothing less than a replica of Heaven on Earth. With great astronomical precision, they were created to serve as the Pharaohs' gateway to the stars.
Maybe the Pyramids are connected with the planet X, who knows...but surely there has been much talk about symbolic representation and what it means. As i already told you, i love astronomy and then all the mysteries that are connected with it. anyways if you get a chance you can read a book "THE ORION MYSTERY" of author Robert Bauval, i already read it and now i am reading another old book that i found on my uncle's bookstore, it is about Atlantis the legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues.
Mr Pinocchio.
Thanks for your imput on this. :)
Yeah that book Orion Mystery is one I definitely want to pick up.
Actually, "Message of the Sphinx" which was written by both Graham Hancock, and Robert Bauval is one next on my list of books to read. I know Hancock's work quite well, but have hear that Bauval's work is equally as compelling. Surely, he and Hancock will make a fantastic team.
i've interpretted the obelisk as a transmitter/manifestor of sorts. It is synonymous to the wand in the tarot card. And, I've equated it as a symbol for the missing piece of Osiris (ie., when Isis collected his body, his junk was unaccounted for, so in order to conduct the Life Ritual, which involved copulation, she used a rolled up piece of papyrus in its place). Now thinking 'abstractly', if you turn a pyramid upside down, it becomes synonymous to a containor (ie, the cup in the tarot). Put the obelisk in the center of the pyramid, and you now have conception. It's a union whereas one manifests (wand, obelisk, man) and the other that concieves (cup, pyramid, woman). Etc., etc., etc...
Getting to the point, it all boils down to representing the power of sex magick and how woman is a divine being (ie, the chalice). In general, being buried in a pyramid is like going back into the mothers womb, only to be reborn out of another. Obelisks are merely conductors of such rites.
Here's some light online reading:
The man who discovered DNA was James D. Watson.(along with Crick) He believes that evolution did not stop 100,000 years ago and that "there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically." A taboo yet interesting subject.
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