An Almost Daily Journal
by Bianca Smith

Friday, December 12, 2008

Video Short In Progress

I started a Final Cut project back in late October (Editing some footage I have) and never got to finish it, so tonight I started editing it again. Like my other videos, I have a real lose outline of the feeling I want to exude, and I think as I sift through the footage the rest of it will come together.

I started this one on Oct. 30th, a month that proved to be a very important one for me this year. I had a pretty significant experience on Oct. 8th, as I've said in previous blogs which came in the form of a very strange, but epic dream, which planted in me something that hasn't really left since then. So, in addition to writing for hours on end each day during that time as part of a developing research in efforts to unravel the mysteries that surrounded the dream, I also started a video project which was kind of an "expression" of the feelings it left me with. (Nothing direct, it's just a montage of metaphors.) I only worked on it for a couple nights though, as I subsequently found something else to be interested in.

You know, when I'm at home I'm like a little kid playing in my bedroom, tinkering with my toys until I find something else more interesting, which is usually laying near by within eyesight and causes me to put down the previous interest and pick the new one up until the same thing happens again. I always have confidence in my projects though, and know that I'll come back to it again when the time is right.

When I was little, about 6 years old, I started to become flooded with dreams. I'm sure I bugged the living crap out of my parents because I went on talking each night at the dinner table about the dreams. But they did listen, as tired as I'm sure it made them, with my endless chatter. (as you can see, not much has changed.) One of them my Mother later interpreted as a foresight to my parents divorce, (There are many other clarivoiant dreams had since then, as well)

So, during that time they started to tape me. I now have hours of old VHS tape recordings of me sitting at the dinner table telling my dreams as a little squirt.

Finally, after years of technological advancement I'm able to make the vhs's into digital files and cut them up and make weird videos. Yeay. So, what I'm working on right now is some footage of me at the table, with some haunting music playing in the background. (Which is actually me playing a song I wrote on piano, from present day.) Mixed in with some other strange clippings. I'm not done yet, but when I am I'll post it here. I'm going to try to get it on youtube tonight.

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