An Almost Daily Journal
by Bianca Smith

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Monday - a shoot, and then some things about being vegan

I woke up far to early for as late as I went to sleep.

My car is in the shop and has been for the past week and it's really set me back and made things harder for me. I need it back. It's hard to get to these shoots and castings without it. I hate asking for rides. It makes me feel like a teenager.  I'm at my Mom's house because she said she's let me use her car to drive to Chino, where I have a shoot today. Chino is so far. Chino smells like crap. No, literally. There are cow farms and slaughter houses there, and it smells like it.

So... I have to get ready now. I've got a long way to go... eyelashes, hair curling.... There isn't a make up artist on this one so they want me to come camera ready, but I rather it that way. I don't like having my make up done by strangers, they always make me look funny and I end up sneaking to the bathroom to fix it.

Okay I have to get ready.




Hello again.  I'm writing twice in a day; double whammy.

So... The shoot went well.  It was quick and easy, and the people I worked with were real cool.  

I take it back about Chino smelling like cows.  It didn't smell bad, in fact the city was peaceful and quiet, like any other suburb.  I guess the reason I said that was because the last time I was there it stunk to high heaven.  Then, a few months later I read somewhere that a slaughter house in Chino had a case against them for animal abuse at their facility.  I think they were beating up pigs for fun before killing them, and sending them down conveyor belts to be people's breakfasts.  It was a grueling story.  There are lots of terrible stories about abuse in slaughter houses, but I rather not give it energy.  It's just negative, and negativity shouldn't have any place in anyone's mind for more that a few minutes.  

I'll say this though; I'm not Vegan because for the fact that animals have to die in order to be eaten, although it is an element that doesn't sit well with me.  Sometimes I like animals more than people.  It's simple; I'm not into meat.  It's tough on my stomach.  (So.. I do no dairy, including cheese, no eggs, no animal products....  except for fish.  I can't do with out fish)  But I'm not a soap-box vegan either, and preaching about food habits is what's given vegans a bad rap.  

My friend Becca told me a while back about a book she was into, about the proper diets for people according to their blood type.  It happens that the reason beef eaters are perfectly happy eating beef is, it agrees with their biogenetical make-up.  The same goes people who crave fish, or people who prefer veggies, etc. 

I don't remember what my blood type was best fitted for because Becca had a hard time looking up Rh Negative blood.  (Rh negative is the rarest blood type in the world, and only 7% to 15% of people in the world have it.  I say 7% to 15%, because I've read the figures: 7%, 13%, and 15%.  I'm not sure which is accurate.)  Anyway, it wasn't in the book.

The people at PETA are righteous in their allegiance against animal cruelty, however I think there is something sick about posting photos of bloody animals all over their website and making documentaries which are filled with images of live-action-slaughters.  It makes you wonder if they have some kind of attraction-repulsion thing going on, without consciously knowing it.  

I saw the documentary about The PETA Organization, and in an interview which was interlaced throughout the film highlighted PETA's founder (I forget her name) who went on about the travesties of animal cruelty.  She was poetic in her convictions, and said many emotionally moving things about the relationship between humans and animals.  I remember thinking that there was certainly something in her that wasn't human.  She had the spirit of a deer, or something else as docile.  I thought this was probably her first life as a human, and had always been animal before now.

What turned me off, were scenes that literally had me turning away from the television, finding it all too hard to watch with all of the films blood and violence.  Toward the end PETA's founder declared that she wanted to be "skinned after death", and have her skin made into jackets.  After all of the peace that came out of that mouth about nature and the innocence of animals?  She wants to do what?  

The interviewer asked her, "But, don't you think that's a little extreme?  Do you think something like this would see your point through?" and,  "Who do you think is going to do that for you?", "How can you make sure it will happen, once you've already passed?"

"Oh it's already planned.  I have some very close friends who are willing to do the skinning for me... they'll do it for me.  ...and then, the world will be so disgusted by it that they might understand that it's just as disgusting when they think of wearing a fur coat."  She said. (In so many words.)

That woman was probably exposed to too many animal slaughter videos.  


musicfan said...

I just read your blog and i just wanted to comment a couple... I think vegetarianism is a great practice. Some people are vegetarians because they just don't like the taste and others like myself do it for ethical reasons. I too saw the PETA video and while I'm sure it depicts some very extreme cases of animal abuse, in my mind it happens everywhere and it really hits home seeing it on a video. There are people out there who will argue till days end about how we are the highest on the food chain. I think it's baloney. We are not part of the food chain. The food chain exists as a result of the need for survival of most wild animals. We humans do not need to kill animals for survival. I have yet to see one documented case of health issues arising from the absence of meat products in a human diet. I agree that humans need protein to sustain muscle health, but there are plenty of other ways to ingest protein. On another note, I think society has a lack of compassion in general and a disregard for other living beings. We don't kill cats and dogs and eat them do we? It's about tradition and upbringing and I think if individuals in society woke up and did a little soul searching they could find that compassion within them. If all else fails, the government should regulate the slaughtering of these poor animals a little closer. They should see that the animals don't suffer for our enjoyment. It's just wrong. Hehe, I realize that this was a bit random but I'm done now. :-) Peace.

Bianca Smith said...

Thanks for the comment, musicfan.

I'm going to reply to this in a little bit, gotta go for now. Bianca

Bianca Smith said...

Musicfan -

Looks like I kept you on hold for 6 months. I was just going through some old posts, and found my promise to comment back. :)

I agree that with you that humans are no longer part of the food chain.

It's true - what other species stock piles food? Squirells, ants, I'm sure there are many more, but what animals cultivate food the way we do?