Catagorizing Us
Like TV, the internet speaks directly to our specific genre interests, categorizing us into certain sub-groups, all based on link clicking.
Enough of this interested button pushing allows "The System" to label us by personality types, and apply them to geographical zones, and political bias, religious beliefs, etc. What I think has happened is, this oracle of information has in a sense been re-modified to understand these groups individually. I'm sure that each of these "groups", weather they're "girly girls who like pink stuff", or "conservative christian soccer moms" etc., are all categorized, and filed into their corresponding file boxes.
Steping back to see the greater picture, one would have to respect that the Internet is a genius system to govern the mass populous by. There are millions of people in the world, how could the "powers that be" keep track of all of these people? Surely, the the numbers are multiplying and things could go haywire very fast.
On a personal level, I could never say that I welcome Big Brother with open arms, because the concept of having my entire life's history in a single file is quite intrusive, but I also seek to make sense of the things that bother me, as this is a part of life we all must learn to get comfortable with. This new "System" is here to stay, and the corporations who own the "Hubs" will only monopolize, with degrees of seperation growing more narrow year after year.
Say we have maybe 200 or so different "types" of people. This is a wild guess of course. And what constitutes a "type" of person? Is it personality type? Preference? Social status? Financial class? Or all of the above? Is it a likely that which ever configurations fit together most often, constitute a "type"? For example, are kids from the suburbs more likely to DVR reality shows? Are 18 year old boys who listen to Hip-Hop and drive Japanese cars likely to subscribe to Maxim Magazine? These types may be likely, andthere are probably millions who fit the description. But what about the square pegs, like myself? Normally, a girl like me should be the last in any of these categories to google Extraterrestrial Phenomena as often as I do. (as embarrassing as that is to admit.)
Inner Workings, and The Group Mind
The genius part about the way this digital system tabulates society is this; the "Web" and it's operators, like spiders at the center, with all test-groups on their respective strands at arms reach, can tug where they want, when they want, interlacing one with another, and presto: you've got the thoughts and emotions of the populous fully contained. That is, assuming everyone is sleep-walking in waking-state.
It's easy to categorize groups these days, with egoism being congratulated, and masked with words like "success". Individualism, as special and important as it is, ultimately breeds group mentality. People are lost with out ego-identifications, and grasp onto ideologies and make them their own.
The "individual" who thinks he has realized "who" he should be, gravitates towards a "group" in order to make sense of his new identity. So, to reiterate - without the cloak of the "individual", there are no "groups". The aim I think is (and I am guessing this may be part of the ideology of the elite) that if they could hand these impressionable "groups" of people a collective-identity (through the mainstream of information and entertainment), these groups will keep on the same path which they were predicted to stay on. It's simple control, but also human nature.
It is our nature now after thousands of years of living in structured societies. These ego-identifications are bred into our basic psychological coding. With the exception of say... North Korea, where they are like one single-minded creature, unto themselves. (Images of the "Mass Games" come to mind, but I gathered that the Mass Games are also a metaphorical art performance really, symbolizing the unity of their collective nature.)
Regardless of the elements that generally make up a "type" of person, and regardless of the many devices we use to push the information into our personal life file, I am sure that we are only in a stage of experimentation. This system, in all of it's shiny compact, cutting edge glory, can only perfect itself over time. My guess is that these "experimental stages" may last well into the next 20 years, and even then only the first chapter will have unfolded before we truly begin to settle into it.
In any case, all that we see in front of us, the room we sit in, the history of our lives which we carry with us like a metaphysical ID card, as well as the future we project by creating thought-form bubbled intentions, spewing rainbows of energies onto other souls, allowing us to create an atmosphere full of ideas and information, egoic validations, pollutant negative thought patterns, as well as take a smile pass it down goodness, it's all really just part of nature. God that was a long sentence.
The Akashic Record Manifested Into the 3d Realm
Nature created the stars, created us, and created this strangely alive projectile of our thoughts, desires, curiosities, and an often blind search for our own self-identities, called "The Internet". Could it be a possibility, that this technological universe is bred from the very nature of earth's reality, in it's own an attempt to understand it's counter-parts - like a baby discovering his own hands?
Could this Digital Age be an evolved form of consciousness peering at us from a distant timeline realizing it's self through it's own systematic investigations, thus displaying an infinite stream of information, like the infinity of facing mirrors? Is this what caused the Akashic to duplicate it's self, and chose to sit just under our fingertips here in this 3d universe?
If it is the Akashic, is this the reason language and literacy is so important to humanity? Words, letters, symbols, and numbers are magic, and come from a dimension which has evolved it's self into it's very own ascension. The realm which literacy has chosen to ascend is a digital one, and is finally able to start talk back to us. "Hitchhikers Guide" comes to mind when I think of this "Evolution of Litteracy" for lack of a better term.
"Deep Thought", from "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy":

Aaahh ...
Wow !!!
Perhaps we need this new mirror/representation of the Akashic to reaffirm it´s existence in this age of wonders when nothing is wondrous anymore.
Thanks for the comment, maestro.
Yeah, I was thinking that the internet seems to be an extension of the human consciousness, and that billions of people are now online recording their thoughts, and building upon the storage of information it houses. I was elaborating it's usefulness as a "second brain", or vortex of collective consciousness to humanity.
The difference now, with this modern age is the realm of information, that which over the past 100,000 years or so was only previously available to spirit guides, shamanic healers and priestly figures of the divine, and is now available to the entire planet. (Well, almost. The internet, on the other side of the coin, also seems to be soulless because of it's hardwiring, and fact that we think of machinery to be no more than an elaborate tool. But then, thinking of it in this way, brings to mind other types of tools which have been used in history to gather information and conjure energy, like the crystal ball, or radio antenna.)
Just as well, if you think of it as an extension of conciseness, it does act as a means to affirm the existence of the Akashic - but I'm also saying that this could be a newly evolved, or ascended form of the Akashic Records, into the physical realm. I would think this would in fact be the next step in the ascension of the 2nd Dimension. (The 2nd Dimension is supposed to be the realm in which all things related to information which are written, symbolized & verbalized exists, and are available to us via the Ethiric Body). Since, in the physical realm, our ascension process moves into the higher realm. For a dimension such as the 2nd dimension, it's frequency vibration should naturally move into its next highest vibrational frequency which would be the 3rd dimension. (ours.) And so, if the 2nd is now moving into the 3rd, shouldn't we be due for a shift as well?
Great to receive a comment on this blog, I was starting to wonder if it made sense to anyone.
Much love
Your blog makes sense to me
but in all honesty I have had to re-read it a couple of times because you touch on so many subjects.
Internet as second brain I am with.
Or perhaps super- brain but even that is inaccurate.
The internet collects, collates, calculates but often on strict or arbitrary guidelines as you mention.
Esoteric is becoming exoteric (no doubt about this)
but knowledge is not wisdom.
I am with you also on our (human) shift.
I think that we both know that this is happening.
As to the 2nd dimension. If this is the realm accessible to us via the Etheric body are you suggesting that the etheric body is evolving into the physical (3rd dimension) as evidenced by the internet ???
"The aim I think, is (and I am guessing this may be part of the ideology of the elite) is that if they could "hand" these impressionable "groups" of people a collective identity (through the mainstream of information and entertainment), these groups will keep on the same path which they were predicted to stay on. It's simple control, but also human nature."
A thought hit me when I read that. First of all, excellent wording. It's so...objective, yet one can still discern your tone.
Interesting how the internet plays a significant part in sort of goading people to "classify themselves"...I was going to say that it is primarily real life interactions with social groups - "oh I want to be looked at as one of the popular party girls...So I'll pretend not to be smart" - that lure individuals into forsaking their own identities and mesh into a group whose members they want to be like, but I feel like they would come out of that eventually knowing they were lying to themselves. But perhaps the internet plays a subliminal part in actually changing themselves...Changing or brainwashing??
Very interesting...That you have banned anonymous comments ;)
maestro -
I wasn't exactly suggesting that the etheric body would evolve into the physical dimension, because I'm not entireley sure that the etheric body belongs to the same vibratory frequency of the 2nd plane of conciousness. I would imagine though, that our etheric double would vibrate at a rate higher than the physical, and thus ascend onto an even higher plane of concsiousness.
Of course, there is much room for debate here, as Metaphysics is something wholly theorized on many levels, by many different Metaphysisists. Some of this information has been directly gathered upon visit to these realms, and then recorded by the likes of Edgar Cayce, Helena Blavatsky, the authors of the Tibetian Book of The Dead, and other such respected Metaphysisists who have helped set the standards in what we know today as Metaphysics.
As far as an ascension process showing evidence through the intelligence of the internet - I'm suggesting that the Akashic Records, which is said to dwell in the 2nd dimension and function as a complete record of concsiousness, and blueprint for that all that ever was, and ever will be, as well as every possibility that would pertain to human consiousness. Basically, it contains all knowledge and information, period.
Now I've heard the internet be compared to the Akashic Record, before - so I was basically elaborating the truthfullness that I believe the theory to hold.
I'm not saying that the internet does at this point in time contain all knowledge, and information, period. But I do believe it is well on it's way to evolving as so, since most of humanity is able to continually add to it's body and brain by imputing so much information day after day, and year after year.
My suggestion is that the 2nd dimension, the realm thought to contain all things mathematical, all symbology including alphabetic characters, all languages, and their alternate meanings, all stories and histories, scientific data as well as philisophical ponderings could in fact be considered a version of the Akashic Record in an infancy stage, which has because of the evolution in human consciousness, evolved along with us, and manifested it's self into our physical realm. ...Pheww! That was a long sentence.
Prarthana -
I banned anonymous comments? I don't remember doing that, but I guess it forces people to make a blogger of their own so maybe some will end up actually keeping one.
Maybe that's why I dont have that many comments on my blogger...
It's a shame that a girl has to make a decision to pretend to be dumb just to belong to a certain group of people she thinks will complete the part of her identity she feels might be a missing part of her "whole person". On the other side of things, it's a shame that a girl who is considered popular should have show that she is in fact smart to evade that automatic profiling, or stereotype.
Obviously I can identify with the latter - although my interests and pursuit of such peaked at an earlier age than then the time I was confronted with the dichotomy, so in retrospect I come from a place of genuinity. These days, I find myself actually needing to school myself on mainstream pop-culture, and again - it's that needing to modify the egoic identity for acceptance. It does come in many forms.
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