An Almost Daily Journal
by Bianca Smith

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm back.

I'm back in the concrete jungle.  Back from the rainforests of Maui.  Sad, but true.  

I'm having problems with my computer at home, so I have to do all of my computer biz from other places.  I have lots of new pages of writing to add to my blogger here, which I'll have to put on a CD, and upload to my blogger page... I'll do that tomorrow.

I have tons of photos from my trip, as well as 8 hours of video, which I'll edit into youtube videos and that will be up soon too.

I'm at my mom's right now on her computer.  I have to go though.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bianca! I just wanted to say you are inspiring -- you have such a modest, intellectual, "real" personality in addition to such a beautiful face :) That is so refreshing these days... most girls half as beautiful as you are tripping over their egos and bitching about trivial things. Thank you for being so unique and awesome... please don't change :) you set an example for all young women. I'm sure all your other fans appreciate that as well.

Bianca Smith said...

Awww that's so sweet of you to say! I'm glad to have you as a reader, and I hope you are having a wonderful evening.
